Liðakuin Phonology

Information about the artlang created by Astaryuu

Liðakuin phonology


Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal m n [ɲ] [ŋ]
Plosive p b t d [c ɟ] k g
Sibilant s z ɕ ʑ
Fricative f θ ð ɬ ç x ɣ
Affricate ts dz tɬ tɕ dʑ
Approximant ʋ l j [ʎ]
Rhotic r̥ r


Front Central Back
Close i y ɯ~u
Close-mid e ø ə~ɵ̞ o
Open-mid ɛ ɔ
Open æ a


Liðakuin has eleven native diphthongs: /uy, ɑu, ai, ou, eu, ei, iu, ia, iɔ, io, ɵi/.


As noted, /ə ɵ/ are merged in most dialects. Which phone is used for both phonemes depends on the following phonemes: if the following vowel is rounded, then [ɵ̞] is used, else [ə] is used.