The Kanva

anthropomorphic magicians


Kanvas are a sentient species native to Spectradom. They resemble feline species like the domestic cat, but also draw inspiration from other (mostly carnivoran) species, so they are best described as "felinoid." They, like humans, stand on two legs, though they have fewer digits than the average human would.


Kanvas are covered in fur usually of medium length, though the fur on the head and tail are typically longer than the fur elsewhere on their body. Most kanvas have monochromatic coat color palettes, with black, white, and shades of one of either red, yellow, blue, orange, green, or violet as the coat colors (orange, green, and violet are created through codominance with red, yellow, and blue). These are passed down genetically.

Kanvas are around the same height as humans, if a little shorter. The average adult female kanva is 5'3" (160cm) tall, while the average adult male kanva is 5'9" (175cm), though the range is fairly wide. Adult kanvas shorter than 4'5" (135cm) are considered dwarves, while adult kanvas taller than 6'7" (200cm) are considered giants, though these ranges are not universal. One reason for this is that like humans, kanvas are subject to island dwarfism - islander kanvas like those from the Rokasela Archipelago tend to be slightly shorter than their continental counterparts. This means that islander kanvas may have a lower (perceived) "giant" threshold, while continental kanvas may have a higher (perceived) "dwarf" threshold. Kanvas have a similar weight to humans of the same height, if a bit heavier due to their tails.


Hands and feet

Kanva hands and feet are similar to cat paws, and thus are collectively referred to as paws. Like most other felids, they have protractable claws that are sheathed in a relaxed position, but can be extended. While kanvas appear to have 14 digits - four on each hand and three on each foot - they actually have 16, with four on all paws. The fourth digit on each foot is a dewclaw digit only visible when the claws are protracted.